Saturday, June 16, 2007

Same video uploaded to Blogger in Draft

The movie has been converted to Flash, but the MPEG4 quality is considerably better.


Andrew at said...

Excellent test videos. The difference between the two formats was very noticeable. Thanks!

Sally said...

I was glad to see the test before trying to get a blogger upload working. But I notice bliptv is actually using brightcove, which so far has looked like the best alternative to youtube, has the highest quality conversion to flvs. Also you can do your own flv conversion before submitting to brightcove, and thus set your own quality standards.

Frank Fulchiero said...

Thank you both for your feedback.
Sally, just wondering how you can tell that is acutally using Brighcove?

Also, we use QuickTime/MPEG4 encoded with the H.264 codec, and not Flash, for distribution, and while we are interested in the best possible re-encoding from QT to FLV, we would rather the original QT also be available.

AFAIK, the only two populare services that allow this right now are and Revver. I was hoping that Blogger would be the third.